I just wanted to pop in for a moment and let you know…I AM NOT DEAD! I apologize for not being able to blog much at all this summer. Early in June my laptop mysteriously decided to give up the ghost! I panicked and worried and prayed and panicked some more…because my life’s work is basically on this thing! We took it into the district tech office (where miracles happen!) and it has now been returned to me all fixed and ready for action! Just in time, too!
I’ve been re-working a couple of my old packets, getting them ready for the new school year, and I am excited to share them with you! My husband and I are moving this week, but hopefully in a week or two things will be a little bit more normal around here and we can start talking BACK TO SCHOOL! Exciting stuff!
Also, welcome to any new followers! I’ve got a fun freebie in the works just for you! Have a great day, friends!

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