I am so sorry that I have all but entirely disappeared! James and I are headed to England in a few days (our first real trip!) and I have been up to my ears in trip plans, not to mention sub plans…
Things have been crazy daisy around here and I do not have a fabulously exciting blog post of incredible and inspiring teaching ideas. Sorry. I do, however, have some inspiring new bulletin boards up! A little while ago sweet Heather from Creative Teaching Press offered to let me try out some of their brand new classroom decor items!

I was THRILLED to receive this package. Have you seen all of their adorable new stuff? I can hardly wait to use it in my classroom next year! In fact, I couldn’t wait and I decided to freshen up a few of my existing bulletin boards. It was like the spring cleaning of bulletin boards. And it felt great! The peppy colors and patterns make me smile whenever I look at them. Take a look! By the way, forgive the darkish quality of these late-night phone pics…I am hoping for a new camera any day!

This is my multi-purpose board used to display whatever we don’t have space for elsewhere in the room. Aren’t those spring cut-outs so fun?

I love these chevron letters and I used them throughout the room to label the boards.

This lime green chevron is probably my favorite of the Creative Teaching Press borders!

I love the Dots on Turquoise! Reading Strategies here.

My Math Wall definitely needed a facelift. We just began our unit on measurement and will use this board to display anchor charts, vocabulary words, and whatever else we may need to display and remember.

There you have it! I hope to post one more time before I head off on my first real adventures. Be on the lookout for the The April Packet and an exciting announcement! Have a great night!

LOVE your math board! I am especially loving your measurement anchor chart…so super cute! I need to be better about switching out my math boards so that my kiddos can refer to our charts. Yours has motivated me! 🙂
Happily Teaching